Charity Begins In Each Of Us and Extends To All Of Us

I will never forget how excited this young lady was to get
her first dress. Just look at that expression! 


This young lady’s dream was to have a dress so she could
look like the lady she is trying so hard to be.


Her sincere excitement helped make my Christmas. 


These children have dreams, goals, and desires. Hers was to
dress like a lady. Wow, now you know why I dress up like Santa Claus every year
to visit these children in the hospitals, their homes, and of course, the
Passion Parties. We are there every year to support Passion 4 Kids Charity.


Reach out to someone you love this year, but also reach out
to those who need someone to show them they matter.   


This year, not only have we invited our critical care
families; we have also invited 50 military families whose parent(s) are


When we can bring a smile to someone and help someone move
their focus away from their challenges, we can help them focus on their
solutions. If for only a moment, if we can let them see there is light ahead,
we have done our job.


Be a light to someone this holiday season.

Charity Begins In Each Of Us and Extends To All Of Us

I will never forget how excited this young lady was to get her first dress. Just look at that expression! 

 This young lady’s dream was to have a dress so she could look like the lady she is trying so hard to be.

 Her sincere excitement helped make my Christmas. 

 These children have dreams, goals, and desires. Hers was to dress like a lady. Wow, now you know why I dress up like Santa Claus every year

to visit these children in the hospitals, their homes, and of course, the Passion Parties. We are there every year to support Passion 4 Kids Charity.

 Reach out to someone you love this year, but also reach out to those who need someone to show them they matter.   

 This year, not only have we invited our critical care families; we have also invited over 50 military families whose parent(s) are deployed to join with us at our annual Christmas Party and banquet.  

 When we can bring a smile to someone and help someone move their focus away from their challenges, we can help them focus on their solutions. If for only a moment, if we can let them see there is light ahead, we have done our job.

 Be a light to someone this holiday season.


The Hand of Love

I wrote a song about the Hand Of Love back in 1992. I thought it was just a simple song I recorded; Boy, was I wrong.


I now realize that WE are an extension of the Hand of Love.

Every time I visit one of these children, I make it a point to hold their hand or touch their forehead. I talk to them even if they are too young to understand the language. I encourage them with statements like; Grandpa’s here with you, and there’s nothing the two of us cannot resolve.’ What is exciting is when they know love is in the room. I often see the monitors improve, and soon, the baby improves.


Knowing that you are loved and appreciated means so much to people of all ages. You will have difficulty knowing you are loved without touch.  


Holding a baby’s hand or cuddling a baby can have profound results.


Do you know when you share your hand of love with a child, the brain releases oxytocin.  


A physical loving touch can

  • reduce anxiety
  • and ease the pain
  • Cuddling may strengthen immunity
  • Cuddling may lower inflammation
  • Oxytocin may reduce blood pressure, 
  • Oxytocin may help the immune system.
  • Cuddling strengthens bonding


Love for that child or adult fighting for their life may give them hope and strength.  


Watch their monitors as you are with them, and as you share that touch, encourage them, and help them build their emotional strength. Now look at the monitors and watch those monitors display the improvement.


Anytime we can encourage someone, anytime we can show someone kindness and appreciation, anytime we can help someone achieve their purpose, self-confidence, and self-esteem; anytime we can take the hand of a critical care person and let them know they are loved, I ask, Who is helping Who?


When I leave their bedside or hospital room, I feel uplifted.


A Hand of Encouragement

While working the room of critical care children and
adolescents, I came to one who told me rather abruptly, “What are you
talking to me for? I’m nobody!


“Oh yes,” I said. You are somebody. Did you know I
came here especially to see you? Notice her smile. 


As a baby, she was abandoned in an empty warehouse in


I saw her at a Christmas Party with a youth charity. I was
in my Santa Suit handing out gifts when she came to see me. I asked her what
grade she was in. “I’m a Senior,” she said. “I said WoW, we must
be around the same age; I’m a senior too.” I got that big smile again!


Call it intuition, call it God, you can debate it; I don’t
have time for the debate. Yet, I find it amazing that I can find my way in a
crowd to that person who needs encouragement and that esteem boost and so can


Children experiencing low mood or low self-esteem and yes,
anger are not bad, just discouraged. In their mind, their parents didn’t want
them, and society doesn’t want them. Often, they feel like they are a


I disagree! They are somebody. We may not realize it, but
these young people have hopes and dreams just as we do. They may not display
it, and more likely, they don’t know how to express anything positive; they


When you come across one of these children, they need to
know you care. You may think you are only bringing holiday cheer. In reality,
you can bring them encouragement, life, and purpose. These are critical care
children and displaced children.  All they need is LOVE, direction and
hope. Something you and I can bring to them.


They need much more than a piece of candy. They need hope.
Yes, I’m sure they appreciate the gift, but it doesn’t replace those feelings
of loneliness, the feeling that no one cares. Encourage these people,
regardless of their age. Love, friendship, and encouragement know no bounds.


Give them your gift, but also give them the gift of


Please be sincere when you are speaking to someone who is
down. Relax, be yourself. Be real. Most often, the person you are talking to
can read through a facade. Be simple, kind, and understanding. 


Be relaxed and LISTEN to them if they want to talk. Sincere,
positive encouragement can help a person find their true identity.  


Ask them about their dreams, but don’t be surprised if they
have their dream are on a blank sheet of paper. Talk to them about their dream.
You may be the stairway to recovery or self-esteem, or self-confidence. You may
be the the first adult to help them find their stairway to their dreams, hopes
and aspirations.


  • Help them find their greatest attributes.
  • Learn what they like and 
  • Show them a dream so they can see themselves in a good
    place and have something to look forward to.


Listen to their dream, they may have one; if not help them
find one.  Show them the possibility of their success , but show them a
map to get from here, today to become the successful person who lives within


If you need a map to give them, drop me an email and I will
send you a link.


Regardless their facade or outer shell, they are hurting to
be like the other kids.


FAMOUS PEOPLE who came up from the downs to become.


Now, you can let them know of the famous people who were at
one time experiencing a situation similar to theirs but found their path. Doing
so gives them a pathway to follow and a light to their path.


Do you know how many people have gone from not having a
chance to making it to the top? Let me help you with a few;

  • Andrea Boccelli, 
  • President Roosevelt, 
  • Stephen Hawking, 
  • Nick Vujicic, 
  • Steve Jobs,
  • Stevie Wonder, 
  • Ray Charles, 
  • John Nash, 
  • Michael J. Fox, 
  • Alex Zanardi, 
  • Marlee Matlin

to name a few.


The first time I met Steve Jobs, I thought he was a homeless
transient because of his speech and how he was dressed.


He was wearing a dirty Stanford T-shirt with acid holes
burned into it, long shoulder-length oily hair, clutching a brown paper bag
with both arms to his stomach. He was mumbling words I could hardly hear or


I couldn’t understand what he was trying to say. I asked
Sherry, my administrative assistant if she could find what he needed. She was
able to get him to speak louder and clarify his thoughts. He did and set up the
first Apple Computer on my desk. 


I called Jerry, our sales manager, into my office to see
Steve’s dream. We have all seen the great company and leadership Steve Jobs
created which is known as Apple Computer.


Fast forward to 2011, I was in an office supply store and
saw a CD set on ‘How to Speak like Steve Jobs. I purchased it. Over the years,
he became a terrific public speaker and communicator. 


For those interested, we supplied Steve and Waz with several
hundred thousand dollars in electronic components, which helped them launch and
maintain their business, Apple Computer. 


Steve later became the brains behind Pixar and iProducts.


Although Steve is no longer with us, he dreamed al the way
to his deathbed, while making our lives more simple and organized.


As I noted in last month’s newsletter, the words of a song
written and composed by Mack David, Al Hoffman, and Jerry Livingston for the
Walt Disney film Cinderella featured the lyrics, “A Dream Is A Wish Your
Heart Makes.”


Every man, woman, and child has a dream. When the chips are
down, it’s hard to see the future. It’s hard to see the path when the path is
clowdy. Don’t be one who sees the clouds and loses site of the path. It is too
easy to feel helpless and hopeless.  


It doesn’t take a lot of time to encourage someone. It
doesn’t take a lot of time to be an encourager. It just takes you.  


Try this quick, simple formula:


Ask what interests them. Then LISTEN. Give them time to tell
you. When you know their interests, let them know how bright they are, and
encourage them in their interests. Compliment them. 


You will be amazed how far your few words of positive wisdom
will go to help them find their path.  


The dividends you receive will last you forever.


I ask, Who’s helping who?




  • Cambridge University offered a great article on the
    challenges affecting adopted children. I also use this report for
    displaced children. 

Begins In Each Of Us and Extends To All Of Us

 Thanks for reading my articles. your friend, Dr. Dennis

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