Baby Izaiah was run over by a drunk driver as his Grandfather was pushing him in a stroller on the sidewalk as he was taking Iziah to the park. The drunk driver was going at a high rate of speed leaving the park and ran over Baby he was on the sidewalk. Notice the SUV that hit him, witnesses told me the driver kept going until he ran into a nearby building then took off running. Witnesses caught the driver and held him until the Police arrived. Notice the flat stroller Izaiah was in. Upon impact, he flew out of the stroller, and went head first into a stop sign, knocking the stop sign over. Almost 300 days in the hospital, he was sent home for hospice. 

I was honored to work with him threre days after he was home. You can see how I received him in the picture above, blind, paralyzed the first thing I did was to have some alone time with the baby. Of course, he couldn’t talk with him mouth taped, and movement was so minuscule, I couldn’t help but cry and pray before I started to work. I held his arm and hand and said; Izaiah, this is Dennis. I am here to help you. There is nothing you and I cannot achieve working together. That was the beginning of a great relationship. I will never forget, as I was working with some gentle massage and protocol, he got his sight back that night. I still remember his mother and grandmother screaming he can see! He can see!  He got to watch Finding Nemo that night with me and his family. He was featured on the Dr. Phill Show two times and on news throughout Southern California, Mexico and several other channels, 

I called in a Chiropractor friend who got his legs to move. You can see him standing up in the middle photo second row. That’s me working with him in the third picture second row.


Baby Izaiah Press Conference
Baby Izaiah Press Conference
Press Conference:2016
National and Local Media
Dennis Maness, PhD
In Attendance:
17 National US, Mexico and Local Media
Individual Interviews with Dr. Maness are welcome
Paralyzed Baby Ran
Over by Drunk Teenage Driver
On May 24 scans were made to help identify areas of challenge. These scans provide
information on the cranial nerves and his bodies present condition. current neuronal affects of the accident, in particular; cranial nerves, and looking for negative signs such as negative or broken neuro connections. 
Izaiah had very limited movement, or cognitive activity.
Izaiah has been paralyzed for almost 300 days. He has been unable to speak nor
can he track with his eyes. We are unaware of the percentage of visual loss he is experiencing.
I have assembled the information on Page 2 of today’s handout that shows maps of the trauma I
am following.
There are two main divisions of the autonomic nervous system; sympathetic and
parasympathetic. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for stimulating activities
associated with the fight or flight response. 

The strength of the fight or flight response imprint has changed the homeostasis interrupting signals
from the brain to the body.
If you turn to page 2, you will see a copy of the signals I received while scanning Izaiah’s brain.
I utilize custom software I developed and had it created by a company in New York that shows
me details on 150 markers of the brain.
The first two passes (Slides 1 and 2) are similar to those of our military experiencing PTSD.
PTSD can be found in accident victims or those with traumatic injuries.
I utilized this software to adjust the activity of the stress hormones being produced by the adrenal
glands to the amygdala which is responsible for emotions, survival instincts, and memory.
By reducing the stress hormones, my goal was to affect the behavior of the sympathetic nervous
system and close the fight or flight behavior. Thus bringing him back to a parasympathetic state.
You will notice on Slide 3 the calm the procedure brought to parasympathetic gently but rapidly.
Immediately following, he
started tracking with his eyes.
His eyes went to his Grandmother who was closest to him at the
time and then to his mother at the foot of his bed.
I embedded the signals into his favorite music which he listens to throughout the day. It helps
relax the relational pathways of the brain and the body. The signals help him achieve a more
peaceful, relaxing sleep.
The team follows a map designed around the findings of the 150 markers, the brain maps, and
This map guides the team through Phase One. The goal of Phase One is to see the brain/body connection become active.
The team can view Izaiah’s responses to various treatments of his doctors and therapists.
The software measures elements of pain and helps us analyze his emotions.
The following information describes the progress following two weeks of entrainment by the
Our priority was to adjust his cranial bones that encase the brain.
The overlap of the cranial bones (skull bones) was a primary source of interference creating abnormal behavior 
and discomfort for Izaiah.
His breathing was quite challenged which we believed to be a
result of the sphenoid and the ethoid bones. You will note this graphic on page 3 of today’s
Following this correction, Izaiah was much more receptive to us working with him, confirming
our reading of reduced sensitivity or pain level pain levels from the software.
In addition to being able to isolate physical restrictions, this protocol allows us to identify chemical and
emotional traumas as well. Please see Slide 4 to view the changes.
On multiple occasions during Phase 1, we had milestone releases and visible changes occur in
his body.
The initial cranial bone release in the Right Temporal region immediately allowed the skull to
relax and almost re-form which was visually observed by all in the room.
The adjacent Sphenoid bone was worked on shortly thereafter and the swelling on the side of the
face began to dissipate.
We began to address the Femur heads, and the Right femur elicited an immediate, reflexive response, which was followed by what appeared to be a Voluntary stretching motion of the right
We then went to the Left Femur and saw a similar response.
Once the Right/Left femur heads are released, the hip flexors disengage and relax the diaphragm.

The recorded response noted that the respiratory volume raised from 91 to 100 within 15-20 seconds.

Several emotional “restrictions” were uncovered through this process, indicating to us that Izaiah felt that this felt “right.” This shows on the software, as noted in Slide 5.

A second emotion revealed that the resistance layered in his Nervous System indicates emotional signals that indicate death or comatose signals from the markers.  That is an inherent bodily behavior.  In times of great emotional trauma, our bodies were designed to pass out or go comatose so we don’t have to see or consciously experience the pain and suffering.

This emotion “locked up” the base of the skull / Occiput.   I sent signals to O1, O2, and O3.  When we addressed that area, Izaiah stunned all in the room by voluntarily raising his pelvis off the bed, and subsequently extending both legs individually, as if to finally be able to stretch out his body.

This was a very emotional, joyful, yet happy, tearful occurrence for the family to see voluntary movement for the first time since the accident.

We finished the session by addressing the xiphoid at the tip of the sternum, which relaxed his rib cage and increased his breath rate and capacity.

He subsequently began to fill his lungs deeper and outpaced the rate of the ventilator.

The final note of the evening was being able to elicit a + Babinski reflex Right/Left in the feet.  

Babinski’s reflex occurs when the big toe moves toward the top of the foot and the other toes fan out after the sole of the foot has been firmly stroked.

Attached is our business cards. We welcome your calls and questions.


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