Meet Dr. Maness / His Story in Pictures

I am so thankful to all my friends and organizations for accepting me as a member of  their team, and to participate in their many events.

This page shows what either me or my clinics have donated our time and social media abilities to promote children’s charities.

Not all of these pictures come from working with children, Some of them involve medical associations, universities, public and private schools, special education, child services, Job Corps, and many others. 

Enjoy the pictures and the stories.

We are in the business of touching lives and helping others along the way.

These pictures above are only a few of the lives we have touched along the way. 

I want to say to you in the industry how much I appreciate each and every one of you for your time and work you put in to help families in need. You are my Heros and are greatly appreciated!

We threw a Baby Shower for military wives whose husbands were deployed. Yes, this is where I got framed. We had so much fun!  

Thanks to all the vendors who donated many thousands of dollars worth of cribs, clothing, infant to toddler safe toys, thousands of diapers and so much more!

Yes, that is me, Dr. D, inside that sweaty, hot Santa Suit with pillows surrounding my body. I had to wear that from 6 AM to 7 PM, visit hospitals and homes, and end a perfect day at the banquet for Kids in Desperate Situations. and I’m loving it.

Being with the Kids during the holidays is my favorite time of the year!

This picture is of one of my little angels! She is a survivor. Look at her smile. (We were having fun!)

I got to work with her as a child. In this picture, she has grown into quite a wonderful lady.

When she came up to receive her presents, I asked her what grade she was in. She said she was a Senior. I said, “Wow! We’re about the same age. I’m a Senior, too!”

The above is a montae of pictures of one of our annual Christmas parties for hospice and challenged  children. 

Dennis and Michelle in the Santa suits are the California Chairperson for the California Women’s Association, and Dr. D is their current Ambassador of Goodwill.

The little girl in white being held by Dennis is one of his little angels, Hanna was born without eyeballs.

Meet some of my best friends and supporters of K.I.D.S.

Thank you Jim for all the good times, the charity events were exciting. Riding around the course on a golf cart being sure all the vendors were in the right location, the charity auctions, My favorite one was when you kept raising the auction amount by having the participants bidding against me . . . I wasn’t bidding,, but it did raise funds for the children who needed the assistance. 

I remember the Dude Ranch for Kids. The children really loved their interaction with the horses, loving on the horses, riding and feeding the horses.

Two of my favorite people are Charles and Linds Van Kessler of Passion 4 K.I.D.S. Kids In Desperate Situations. 

I volunteered with them for over ten years and loved every minute of it. We are still great friends today.

I will soon have pictures for this site. They are on an extended vacation. I will receive photos of our many events, from children’s hospitals to working with critical care children in their homes and hospice. We saw many miracles and had more fun than we deserved just watching those kids light up.

I can’t wait to share pictures with you in the weeks to come of two of my little angels, Hanna and Baby Izaiah, whom I was honored to work with at Passion 4 Kids. Their stories are so inspiring that you can’t help but love them.

School Assemblies in the Brittish Isles

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